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Les événements passés de Gloreha

Événements en 2022

24-27 January, 2022, ARAB HEALTH (Dubai)

23-25 March, 2022, EMPR (Montpellier)

8-9 April, 2022, Approccio riabilitativo multidisciplinare al deficit cognitivo nella demenza e nell’ictus (Marzana-VR)

11-13 May, 2022, Exposanità (Bologna)

24-28 May, 2022, AAP Physiatry 22 (New Orleans)

27-28 May, 2022, Attualità in riabilitazione (Foggia)

12-14 June, 2022, SIRN (Napoli)

3-7 July, 2022, ISPRM-ESPRM 2022 (Lisbona)

28-31 Agust, 2022, WFOT congress (Paris)

20-23 October, 2022, AAMP&R (Baltimore Maryland)

23-26 October, 2022, SIMFER (Acireale-Catania)

8-10 November, 2022, ACRM Annual Conference Rehabilitation Medicine (Chicago)

14-17 November, 2022, Medica (Düsseldorf)

1-3 December, 2022, SOFMER (Rennes)

8-10 December, 2022, DGNR (Dresda)

14-17 December, 2022, WCNR (Vienna)

Événements en 2021

9-13 February, 2021, AAP Annual meeting Association of Academic Physiatrists (Digital edition)

25 March, 2021, Neuroplasticily and roboticrehabilitation (Webinar)

6 May, 2021, The role of robot-assisted therapy in patients after acquired brain injury (Webinar)

18 May, 2021, La riabilitazione neuropsicologica delle funzioni attentive (Webinar)

8 June, 2021, Treating the brain, not only the hand (Webinar)

15 June, 2021, Riabilitazione funzionale robotica post ictus: razionale ed esperienze (Webinar)

21-24 June, 2021, Arab Health (Dubai)

7 July, 2021, Le traitment de la spasticité Nouvelles approches et recours à la robotique (Webinar)

22 July, 2021, Innovative Ansätzeinder Management und Rehabilitationsbehandlung des neurologischen Patienten (Webinar)

26-29 September, 2021, SIRN-20th National Congress (Roma)

14-16 October, 2021, SOFMER 36th Nation Congress (Lille)

28-31 October, 2021, SIMFER 49th National Congress (Milano)

15-18 November, 2021, MEDICA (Düsseldorf)

Événements en 2020

27-30 January, 2020, ARAB HEALTH 2020 (Dubai)

4-9 March, 2020, ISPRM 2020 (Orlando-Florida)

7-11 October, 2020, WCNR – SOFMER (Digital Edition)

16-19 November, 2020, MEDICA (Digital Edition)

9-18 December, 2020, MEDICAL Fair Asia (Digital Edition)

Événements en 2019

28-31 January, 2019, Arab Health (Dubai)

5 March, 2019, Innovation in Rehabilitation Technologies (Genoa)

9-10 March, 2019, Taiwan Academy od Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Taipei)

20-22 March, 2019, French Congress od Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Montpellier)

4-6 April, 2019, XIX Congresso Nazionale SIRN 2019 (Perugia)

11 May, 2019, Il percorso assistenziale integrato nei pazienti con grave cerebrolesione acquisita (Francavilla al mare-CH)

13-18 May, 2019, 2° European R2S2 Robotic Rehabilitation Summer School (Porto Potenza-MC)

9-13 June, 2019, 13TH International Society Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress (Kobe)

21-22 June, 2019, Robotica, Tecnologie avanzate e Telemedicina (Catanzaro)

27-28 September, 2019, La neuropsicologia e neurologia comportamentale in ospedale (Brescia)

29 September-02 October, 2019, 47° SIMFER National Congress (Firenze)

9-12 October, 2019, ECNR European Congress of Neurorehabilitation (Budapest)

17-19 October, 2019, 34° SOFMER National Congress (Bordeaux)

18-21 November, 2019, MEDICA (Düsseldorf)

Événements en 2018

29 January-01 February, 2018, Arab Health 2018 (Dubai)

5-7 April, 2018, SIRN (Trieste)

19-22 April, 2018, AOTA Annual Conference & Expo (Salt Lake City- USA)

8-10 May, 2018, The Annual Herzliya Conference (Herzliya-Israel)

8-12 July, 2018, ISPRM (Paris)

20-23 September, 2018, Italian National Congress SIMFER (Ancona)

12-15 November, 2018, MEDICA (Düsseldorf)

30 November, 2018, Interazione Tecnologia Persona nel percorso riabilitativo: Stato attuale e Prospettive (Brescia)

Événements en 2017

30 January-02 February, 2017, ARAB HEALTH (Dubai)

15-17 March, 2017, 45° EMPR congress (Montpellier)

4-5 April, 2017, Careware conference (Aarhus)

30 April-04 May, 2017, ISPRM (Buenos Aires)

12 May, 2017, SIMFER-SIRN « Dolore e spasticità in neuroriabilitazione » (Franca Villa al Mare – CH)

17-20 July, 2017, Rehab Week (London)

5-7 October, 2017, SOFMER (Nancy)

20-22 October, 2017, APOTS (Taoyuan-Taiwan)

22-25 October, 2017, 45° SIMFER National Congress (Genova)

25-28 October, 2017, ECNR European Congress of Neurorehabilitation (Lausanne)

7-9 November, 2017, AccessAbilities Expo 2017 (Dubai)

9-10 November, 2017, BNF-PRM and RBSPRM (Maastricht)

13-16 November, 2017, MEDICA (Duesseldorf)

Événements en 2016

02-05 March, 2016, IBIA congress (Aia)

24-27 March, 2016, EXPOMED congress (Istanbul)

17-20 April, 2016, CMEF congress (Shanghai)

23-28 April, 2016, ESPRM congress (Lisbon)

5-7 May, 2016, SIMS congress (Genoa)

29 May-02 June, 2016, ISPRM congress (Kuala Lumpur)

13-15 October, 2016, SOFMER congress (Saint Etienne)

23-26 October, 2016, SIMFER congress (Bari)

14-17 November, 2016, MEDICA (Düsseldorf)

25-26 November, 2016, Rome Rehabilitation (Rome)

1-3 December, 2016, DGNR e DGNKN congress (Bonn)

15-17 December, 2016, Quale tecnologia per quale riabilitazione (Rome)

Événements en 2015

01-04 December, 2015, “The European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation”, Vienna (Austria)

16-19 November, 2015, “MEDICA”, Düsseldorf (Germany)

5 November, 2015, “Symposium on Interdisciplinary Neurorehabilitation”, Kladruby (Czech Republic),

04-07 October, 2015, “SIMFER – Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”, Ferrara (Italy),

19-23 June, 2015, “9th ISPRM – World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”, Berlin (Germany)

09-12 June, 2015, “Rehab Week 2015”, Valencia (Spain)

19-22 May, 2015, “ForItAAL – Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living” in Lecco (Italy)

16-18 March, 2015, “La Villa Rehabilitation 2015”, Val Badia Forum (Italy)

28-29 March, 2015, “International Rehabilitation Cantom Forum” Guangzhou (China)

16-18 April, 2015, “National Congress SIRN: Italian Society of NeuroRehabilitation”, Novara (Italy)

Événements en 2014

31 October – 1 November, 2014, “Occupational Therapy Weekender”, Furjana (Malta). In cooperation with Technoline

12-15 November, 2014, “MEDICA EXHIBITION”, Düsseldorf (Germany)

23 October 2014 “SMAU” in Milan (Italy) in cooperation with TAV Cluster



12-13 June, 2014: “Neurological Rehabilitation Therapy and Technology Expo”, London (United Kingdom)

26-31 May, 2014: 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Marseille (France)

21-24 May, 2014: EXPOSANITÀ, International Health Care Exhibition, Bologna (Italy)

8-12 April, 2014: 8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (Istanbul -Turkey)

28 February, 2014: Conference “Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery”, Cork (Republic of Ireland)

27-30 January, 2014: ARAB HEALTH, Dubai (UAE), International Convention and Exhibition Centre

Événements en 2013

20-23 November 2013: MEDICA, the World Forum for Medicine, Düsseldorf (Germany)

13-16 October 2013: Congresso Nazionale SIMFER (the Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine), Rome (Italy),

10-12 October 2012: REATECH, Accessibilità Inclusione Autonomia, Milano (Italy)

19-21 September 2013: REHABILITACJA Exhibition, Lodz (Poland),

11-13 September 2013: INRS 2013, International Neurorehabilitation Symposium, Zurich (Switzerland)

20-22 June 2013: Conference “Rome Rehabilitation 2013: Riabilitazione, le luci delle certezze, le ombre delle controversie”, Roma (Italy),16-20 June 2013: World Congress of ISPRM (International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine), Beijing (PRC),

25-27 April 2013: REHAB International, International Trade Fair for Rehabilitation, Therapy and Prevention, Karlsruhe (Germany)

18-20 April 2013: Congresso Nazionale SIRN (Italian Society of Neurorehabiliation), Bari (Italy)

18-20 March 2013: Conference “Riabilitazione, una scienza in cammino. Il nuovo in medicina fisica e riabilitative”, Val Badia (Bolzano, Italy)

6-8 March 2013: Conference “Entretiens de Medecine Physique et de Readaptation, Montpellier (France)

Événements en 2012

13-17 November 2012: MEDICA, the World Forum for Medicine, Düsseldorf (Germany)

10-13 October 2012: REHACARE International, Düsseldorf (Germany)

3-6 October 2012: Congresso Nazionale SIAMOC (Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica), Bellaria (Italia)

20-22 September 2012: REHABILITACJA Exhibition, Lodz (Poland), in cooperation with our partner Meden Inmed

16-19 May 2012: EXPOSANITÀ, International Health Care Exhibition, Bologna (Italy)

3-5 May 2012: Congresso Nazionale SIRN (Italian Society of Neurorehabiliation), Milan (Italy)

3 March 2012: Conference “Spider@Lecco: servizi e percorsi innovativi che definiscono un ecosistema riabilitativo”, Lecco (Italy)

16-19 October 2011: Congresso Nazionale SIMFER (Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine), Reggio Calabria (Italy)

22-24 September 2011: Conference “Recenti strategie efficaci nel promuovere il recupero funzionale”, Brescia (Italy)

16-17 September 2011: Conference “Ictus cerebrale: dalla prevenzione alla riabilitazione”, Porretta Terme (Bologna, Italy)



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